fairy molly path-Kenny Wong

fairy molly path-Kenny Wong

  • 你的 Molly 既可愛又討喜,她有自己的情緒或性格嗎?她的世界觀是什麼?
    Molly 在某方面代表了新時代的女性,她是個有自信的畫家,獨立而且勇敢,從她噘著嘴的表情,大大的湖水藍眼睛,你可以發現,她堅持與眾不同的藝術視野,就像她老爸一樣,她要畫出自己的世界。
  • Your Molly is so cute and adorable;does she have emotions or personality? What’s her point of view toward this world?
    Molly is representing the new generation of female in some way, she is a painter with self-confident, independence and brave, U can find it by her pouting lips , her big lake-blue eyes showing her a ” never be the same ” artistic vision, like her father, she want to paint her own world.

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