Harry and Hopper by Margaret Wild │ Illustrated by Freya Blackwood│copyright © Scholastic
- Artist:Freya Blackwood ::藝術家相關介紹::
- Website:http://www.freyablackwood.net
- Art Tools / Techniques:
水彩、鉛筆、炭筆和水彩紙(watercolour, pencil and charcoal on watercolour paper)
- Freya Blackwood介紹獲得「英國凱特格林威大獎」的作品《哈利和哈波》(Harry & Hopper)的故事與概念。
《哈利和哈波》故事由澳洲的知名作者 Margaret Wild 所寫,Margaret 被公認為擅長處理細膩的情感,而她的書出版了很多種世界各地的語言。身為相對的新手插畫家,能幫她的故事書畫插圖,是我極為難得的機會。《哈利和哈波》是一個小男孩和他的可愛小狗-哈波的故事,牠是一隻像蚱蜢般跳躍、活力充沛的狗狗。但有一天,哈波因意外死了。故事描述哈利在這次意外中,如何與狗狗說再見,最後他也接受了哈波已死的事實。我運用於這本書裡的插畫風格,和我早先書本的插畫風格有些不同。當時覺得畫圖要具有手繪感和素描感。讓我的完成作品保有新鮮感和不同印象的能力,一直是我渴望達成的畫風,而這本書就給了我機會去實現這項實驗。我很喜歡哈利與哈波,非常驕傲這件作品所達到的成果。
. - Freya Blackwood的創作過程與創作時的內心想法?
我也經歷了失去家裡幾隻寵物的心情,因此很容易感同於哈利和哈波的故事。我喜愛 Margaret描述哈利和他失去的狗-哈波之間的情誼發展;每次哈波回來看哈利,每一夜就越來越冷、越微弱。我找到幫這本書畫插圖的最正確、直接方向。在開始畫插圖之前一年,我第一次讀這篇故事,就在之後那一年裡,或許潛意識中就不斷在構思書裡的角色及場景。
- You are the winner of The CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal with your work “Harry & Hopper ”, could you tell us more about your concept and story about this book?
Harry & Hopper was written by Margaret Wild, a well known Australian author. Margaret’s writing is acclaimed for its sensitive handling of emotional issues, and her books have been published in many languages throughout the world. Illustrating one of her stories was an incredible opportunity for me, as a relatively new illustrator.Harry & Hopper is the story of a young boy and his lovely dog Hopper, who is as jumpy as a grasshopper. But one day there is an accident and Hopper dies. The story tells how Harry is given the chance to say goodbye to the dog and finally accepts that Hopper is dead.The style of illustration I used in this book is a slight departure from my earlier books. I felt the drawings needed to be rough and sketchy. The ability to keep my final artworks fresh and expressive was something I’d been keen to achieve, and this book allowed me a chance to experiment. I feel very happy with Harry & Hopper and tremendously proud of what it has so far achieved.
. - What’s your working process? What’s on your mind when you are creating?
I had experienced the loss of several family pets, so could relate easily to the story of Harry and his dog Hopper. I loved the process Margaret employed for Harry to come to terms with losing Hopper; the visits Hopper makes, each night growing colder and wispier.I found the illustration process for this book fairly straight forward. I read the story for the first time perhaps a year before I started the illustrations and in that year thought about it a great deal, perhaps subconsciously developing the characters and setting.