- Artist:James Jarvis ::藝術家相關介紹::
- Art Tools / Techniques:畫畫 (Drawing)
- Website:www.studiojarvis.com
- 一開始創造「痛苦世界 World of Pain」的動機是什麼?在這個創作世界裡,你想要傳遞的訊息是什麼?
「痛苦世界 World of Pain」只是嘗試從創作的角色裡,明確地發展它們所生存的世界。這個特別的世界描繪著一個極權迷幻的警察國家,透過為角色創作出一個非常明確和褫奪人權的個性特質之後,我試著創作出從邏輯和線性現實約束的世界中,解放出來的角色世界。
- What’s the beginning of your motive to create the “World of Pain ”? What’s the inside of the world you wish to convey?
World of Pain was an attempt to create a clearly defined world for my characters to inhabit. That particular world was a totalitarian psychedelic police state. After working on an idea of a world for my characters that was very completely defined and proscriptive I have since tried to make worlds for my characters than are freer from the logic and constraints of a linear reality.