- Artist:Dave Pressler ::藝術家相關介紹::
- Art Tools / Techniques:繪畫部分:壓克力畫、Photoshop 繪圖軟體筆和墨水;雕塑部分:陶土、無硫磺成分陶土、熱固性樹脂和矽氧樹脂Painting: acrylic paint, and photoshop. Pen and ink;Sculpting: Super Sculpey, NSP Sulphur Free Plasteline,Casting resins and silicones
- Website:www.davepresslerart.com
- 《Angry Clobber Monkey》這組玩具公仔試圖傳遞什麼樣的故事性?
我一直都很喜歡機器人,憤怒和愚蠢!我喜歡蠢蛋機器人的這種創作概念,《Angry Clobber Monkey》的故事就印在包裝外盒上。希望不久的將來,我可以製作出更多的塑膠玩具公仔。
- What does the story of Angry Clobber Monkey toys tries to convey?
Always I have loved robots. Angry and stupid! I like the idea of stupid robots. The packaging for the Angry Clobber Monkey has the story printed on the box. Hopefully I will be able to make more vinyl in the coming years.