The photos of treason i took in the forest
- Artist:Bubi Au Yeung ::藝術家相關介紹::
- Art Tools / Techniques:可擦藍色鉛筆、製圖鋼筆、墨水筆、4×6 吋繪圖板、winsor & newton墨水及系列細筆刷 iMac,macbook pro, adobe illustrator, adobe photoshop
- Bubi Au Yeung所創作的「樹仔」(Treeson)的靈感來源
2005 年 8 月,樹林嚴重濫伐和氣候變化,給了我創造這個角色的靈感,和一個關於環保故事,之後在我的部落格發表了這個故事《樹仔與阿人》(Treeson and Ren),這就是樹仔的誕生。身為一個愛創作的人,我喜愛嘗試不同的媒材和形式,將樹仔做成一個玩具公仔,就是一種將 2D 轉成 3D 藝術的方法。
. - 創作這系列,妳想說什麼?妳的作品有些特別題材嗎?樹仔對世界的看法如何?
. - 妳在台灣出版了一本書《我愛樹仔》(Treeson and Other Storie),過程中,有哪些難忘經驗?
- Your work “Treeson” is cute and attractive and a little bit different from other designer Toy. What inspired you to create “Treeson”? Why do you make it a toy?
For those who don’t know about Treeson , Treeson is a kind creature raised by the trees in the forest. He was stabbed in the chest with a tree branch by the logger who was trying to cut down the tree that raised him. After being wounded, he met Ren, his only human friend, who played with him and became his best friend. Neither Treeson nor Ren were very popular with the local kids, but they kept each other company and tried to save the trees in the city from being cut down by humans that wanted to put up more buildings. What made Treeson special is the uniqueness and the special element in this character, which is the tree branch stem out from the heart of Treeson and the fluffy outlook, people would feel for him and have a question in mind, “What happen to him?”, guess this bittersweet feeling arouse the attention of people, and more importantly is that he has his story behind.
In August, 2005, the serious deforestation and the climate change inspired me to create a character for a story about environmental protection, and then I published the story, on my blog, that’s how Treeson was born. As the one who love creation, I love to try different medium and form, and to make Treeson a figure / a toy is just one of the way to convert the 2D art into 3D art.
. - What are you trying to say by creating this series? Is there any special theme in your art works? What is Treeson’s point of view toward this world?
I believe whom love treeson, especially treeson fans, they want to know more about treeson and his story, and there are still many people don’t know about him, so I hope Treeson’s appearance would aware people’s interest and further know more about his story. Treeson want to tell the world that the importance of protecting our nature and to spread love among us.
. - You published a book “Treeson and Other Stories ” in Taiwan, was there any impressive experience during the process?
Yes, it’s definitely is a valuable experience, and I have to thank you to Maopopo and the team from China Times Publishing Company Ltd and also thanks to Taiwan. I am impressed and happy to work with Taiwanese editors, book designers and writer, they are very nice and professional, and what impressed me is their efficiency of distributing and promoting the books. I feel very thankful to have my book published in Taiwan.