The Toy Circus-Tim Bowers

The Toy Circus-Tim Bowers

  • 關於Tim Bowers的第一本童書《玩具馬戲團》(The Toy Circus)的故事及創作概念。拿到這故事,我非常高興。這故事是 Jan Wahl 撰寫,由加州 Harcourt、Brace、Jovanovich 出版。
  • Could you tell us more about the story and your creative concept of your first children book,“The Toy Circus ”?I was so excited to be offered this story. It was written by Jan Wahl and published by Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich in California.
    The story takes place in a child’s bedroom at night, a very dreamy time. After the boy falls asleep, the toys in his toy box come to life and a circus fills the bedroom with the boy as ringmaster. There were tigers on unicycles, bears with parasols, ladies on horseback and clowns. I had fun creating the many characters and trying to capture the dreamy, nighttime setting. I played around with unusual perspectives, often from above the characters, looking down on the circus events. I allowed parts of the illustrations to extend into the white borders of the pages and added shadows to the extended parts, creating a feeling that the art was spilling out of the book.

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